Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017

Goals/ Ambitions / Dreams



From the title that I wrote we know that life is not as easy as it is thought and in running our current life one purpose, dream and ambition are very strong.
Here I will convey the purpose of my life first because before we have dreams and ambitions we must have a goal. Each person's personality must have their own purpose in life. And the purpose of my life is to be a very useful person for parents, family, and nation and country.
Then my ambition in running my life now is to become a successful person before I graduate from college. Because I am very embarrassed if I am too spoiled with parents and I also want to make my parents proud because God willing if I will pay for college and daily life. For I am only a person from a hometown away from pontianak.
Next dream, I have a very big dream that wants to be a successful person and want to change my family's degree. Because success can be achieved if we are the first to make people successful.

Maybe that's just my story what if my story is useful for you can be read carefully and secan thank you

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